No Compromise in MRI

The individual who appears is for illustrative purposes. The person depicted is a model and not a real healthcare professional. US-N/A-2400043 05/24

Have a Question?

Clarification on minor procedures and requirement for attending physician


Is there somewhere a list of typical “minor” procedures documented?  And am I correct that Medicare states the attending physician must be present for the entire procedure for minor procedures?


There really isn’t a list for “minor procedures” in relation to teaching physician rules. The rules state only that minor procedures take five minutes or less. When talking about “minor procedures” for global periods, the RVU file published by CMS every quarter (if not more often) lists the global period of procedures. Those procedures with zero or ten-day global are considered minor procedures. 

Teaching physician rules can be found in the Claims Processing Manual, chapter 12. 

RVU file: