Abdominal duplex scan assigned more than once on the same day
Billing for handheld ultrasound
Charge codes for paracentesis or thoracentesis depend on area studied and findings
Coding and modifiers for biophysical profiles performed on triplets
Coding and reimbursement for full, follow-up and limited pregnancy ultrasounds
Coding for a core lymph node biopsy and a core breast biopsy with ultrasound guidance
Coding for a fluoroscopic sniff test (diaphragm fluoroscopy)
Coding for arterial and duplex scans
Coding for arterial and duplex scans
Coding for arthritis ultrasound survey when multiple joints are requested for one session, whether ipsilateral or bilateral, and for complete imaging of a single joint
Coding for bedside ultrasound for suspected pulmonary edema
Coding for breast ultrasound and diagnostic mammography performed on the same day
Coding for complete abdominal ultrasound, for a limited procedure, for US-guided paracentesis and for identifying ascites
Coding for duplex scan of the carotids/vertebrals and grayscale imaging of the thyroid
Coding for duplex scan or color Doppler ultrasound of abdomen, ovaries or scrotum
Coding for groin ultrasound for possible inguinal hernias
Coding for locating a vein and marking it for mapping purposes
Coding for non-diagnostic reduced-service exams
Coding for pre- and post-void bladder ultrasound
Coding for pre- and post-void bladder ultrasound
Coding for pyloric and abdominal ultrasound
Coding for scrotal ultrasound including bilateral inguinal hernia evaluation
Coding for transabdominal studies and transvaginal follow-up evaluation
Coding for transvaginal and transabdominal pelvic ultrasound performed on the same day
Coding for ultrasound for nuchal translucency measurements with suboptimal results
Coding for ultrasound guidance for vascular access
Coding for ultrasound guidance used in the operating room
Coding for ultrasound of a groin-area hematoma after a catheter procedure for pseudoaneurysm
Coding for ultrasound of soft-tissue mass in the upper back
Complete ultrasound of the abdomen — required and additional elements for coding
Contrast ultrasound of liver or other area, e.g., a limited abdominal study
Correct reporting of limited ultrasound of right upper quadrant of abdomen and lower right quadrant appendiceal
Documentation and coding for outpatient arterial and venous ultrasounds performed on the same day
Documenting and coding for ABIs, evaluation & management, venous duplex, arterial duplex or non-invasive ultrasound exam
Documenting and submitting “for comparison” venous imaging
Doppler scan not required for aorta ultrasound reimbursement
Duplex charges for scrotal, pelvic, transvaginal and obstetric ultrasounds
Limited or follow-up transvaginal or pelvic ultrasound exam
Medical necessity and documentation requirements for obstetric ultrasound plus nuchal transparency (NT) screening
MRI-guided focused ultrasound thermal ablation for Parkinson’s disease tremors
Payors covering one complete ultrasound; other exams coded separately
Proper coding for ultrasound to rule out or follow-up on AAA; plus other CPT codes for related, other organ and duplex studies
Radiologist interpreting hystersonograms is acceptable with level 3 supervision
Reimbursement guidelines for follow-up cerebrovascular arterial studies
Renal ultrasound of bladder
Required testing for ankle-brachial index (ABI) and bilateral lower extremity arterial duplex reimbursement
Billing for administration of free samples of contrast enhancing agent
Ultrasound guidance code included with arterial intervention codes
Ultrasound guidance images and description needed for reimbursement
Ultrasound of pregnant uterus for fetal and maternal evaluation
Ultrasound screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
Unilateral breast ultrasound, including axilla when performed
3D post-processing is required and is included in computed tomographic angiography
Acceptable to report whole-body exam was done and that remainder of scan was unremarkable
Appropriate ICD-10-CM coding for retrolisthesis of C5 relative to C6
AUC consults must now be performed by the referring physician, or else neither the hospital nor the interpreting physician will be paid
Billing for radiologist supervising a PA performing a radiology procedure
Breast localization codes now require device HCPCS codes when billing under OPPS
Clarification on minor procedures and requirement for attending physician
Coding diagnoses for radiology professional component reports
Coding for abbreviated breast MRIs
Coding for abdominal, retroperitoneal, and pelvic ultrasounds are distinguished between complete and limited exams
Coding for breast ultrasounds
Coding for CTs of the pancreas and pelvis with and without contrast
Coding for incision and image-guided fluid collection drainage by catheter
Coding for IV contrast dose for CT scan of abdomen
Coding for multiple follow-up angiograms during embolizations
Coding for radiological examination from nose to rectum for foreign body – child
Correct billing for hospital-based radiology department physicist review of radiation dosing
Correct billing for NDC number
Correct coding for abscess drainage
Correct orders for unilateral screening and unilateral diagnostic mammograms
CT and MR exams and physician supervision
Determining and coding for percutaneous transluminal revascularization of acute total/subtotal occlusion
Diagnosis coding for gunshot wounds
Do not report a current cancer diagnosis code when the patient is no longer being treated for the cancer
Documentation best practices for CT exams using iodinated contrast
Documentation needed for manual application of stress in joint radiography
Documentation needed if non-hospital imaging center does an exam not ordered by the patient’s treating physician
Documentation needed when using ultrasound guidance to access a vein or artery for an angiogram
Documenting concurrent supervision for CD volume-rendered images
Fluoroscopic guidance for needle placement usually documented in the operative report
For a complete first trimester OB ultrasound, the maternal uterus and adnexa are required elements. If they can’t be seen, the reason must be documented or a limited exam must be reported.
For chronic anterior cruciate ligament tear of the right knee code as a current injury
For coding, you only need to know that an MRI of X body area was done with or without IV, intrathecal, or intra-articular contrast
For pelvic ultrasound, if a required element cannot be visualized, the reason for non-visualization must be given or the limited study code must be reported
Hospitals, imaging centers and doctor’s offices should specify the type and volume of iodinated contrast that was used
If you state and document that regular 2D digital mammography, as well as 3D tomosynthesis views, were performed, then you can code both
Is it insufficient documentation if both the resident and the teaching physician use macros only?
MRI and tomography documentation requirements
NDC numbers required for contrast billing
OB ultrasound of gestational sac and qualitative assessment of amniotic fluid
Provider-based entity owned by the hospital and billing professional component
Question of documentation for mammography regarding laterality
Regarding pre-MRI screening orbit x-rays, certain ICD-10-CM codes are appropriate
Requirements for an orbits x-ray for foreign body screening prior to an MRI
When charging for computed tomography (CT) with contrast, contrast amount, type and route should be included
When it’s appropriate or not to charge for 3D post-processing of initial imaging data
Is there a specific code for a myocardial perfusion SPECT/CT scan?
Any major coronary artery or one of its branches may be evaluated with (and coded for) intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) or IFR/FFR
Billing for both an angiogram and catheter placement for a failed access site performed during a left heart catheterization (LHC)
Cases when repeat diagnostic coronary angiography can be submitted — documentation needed
Changes to the cardiac positron emission tomography (PET) codes
Charging for a FFR computation for CTA done at another site
Charging for two separate leads for implantation of a biventricular permanent pacemaker (PPM)
Codes for quantification of coronary atherosclerosis are not suitable for hospital billing but may be payable under the physician fee schedule
Coding and modifiers for started or completed procedures when inserting a drug eluting coronary stent
Coding for 3D post-processing images reconstructed on an independent workstation with physician supervision
Coding for a non-contrast CT of the heart with calcium scoring
Coding for a single-study myocardial perfusion SPECT and multiple studies
Coding for aortic valvuloplasty includes the temporary pacemaker
Coding for duplex scan of lower extremity arteries or arterial bypass grafts
Coding for in-hospital cardiac stress testing with echocardiography and continuous EKG monitoring, if performed
Coding for mild calcified plaque of the left main (LM) and left anterior descending (LD) coronary arteries
Coding for myocardial strain imaging on the facility side
Coding for myocardial sympathetic innervation imaging
Coding for noninvasive estimated coronary fractional flow reserve (FFR) tomography performed for different reasons
Coding for percutaneous transluminal revascularization of acute total/subtotal occlusion during acute myocardial infarction
Coding for pericardial drainage procedures and noninvasive estimated coronary fractional flow reserve techniques with imaging
Coding for stent placement an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) culprit vessel
Coding for two different types of myocardial perfusion PET/CT studies
Coding for vascular embolization during stent placement
Coding for when a coronary perfusion PET and a myocardial viability scan are performed together
Coding for when a percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is performed, a drug-eluting stent (DES) is attempted, but provider is unable to cross lesion
Coding modifier needed if doctor interprets an echocardiogram performed in-hospital
Coding of stented vessels in acute myocardial infarction
Correct billing procedures for performing an echocardiogram
Correct coding for CTAs of different body areas, including heart and chest
Correct details to include when submitting charges for Doppler echocardiography
Coverage requirements for Absolute Quantitation of Myocardial Blood Flow
Dates of service for CTA and FFR should be the date each was performed
Diagnosis and CPT codes needed for proper coding of pediatric transthoracic echocardiograms for congenital abnormalities
Diagnostic codes for echocardiogram with contrast
Diagnostic ECGs done prior to, or after, a heart catheterization or coronary angiogram are separately billable with modifier 59
For EKGs, you cannot take credit for the review for the E&M, only the order, as the review is included in the payment for the EKG codes
In insertion of a pacemaker system, coding for RA and RV lead implanting
Medical necessity determines justification for additional ECGs following a percutaneous coronary intervention
Not appropriate to report coding for cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (92950) when defibrillation is performed
Only one physician should bill for and interpret cardiac PET-CT scans
Percutaneous transluminal revascularization and required elements for reimbursement
Provider documentation required for billing myocardial strain imaging
Reporting and coding for an echocardiogram with intravenous contrast for injectable suspension
Revenue codes for a Swan Ganz catheter
Three types of studies considered for myocardial perfusion billing are rest, stress, and redistribution
With a 12-lead EKG with EP study, only add modifier 59 if the patient's condition warrants an EKG and only if ordered at a separate time