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Ultrasound guidance images and description needed for reimbursement


Within the CPT® guidelines it states, “Ultrasound guidance procedures also require permanently recorded images of the site to be localized…” Does the image we are required to capture need to have the object being guided visualized? For example, during a cordocentesis with ultrasound guidance, a needle punctures the placenta and extracts amniotic fluid. Must the images required for capture show the needles process through the procedure? Or do we only need to have images of the fetus/placenta area?


You generally don’t have to have imaging of the whole procedure. Usually, capturing the needle going in is sufficient. The doctor does need to describe the ultrasound guidance process in their report, but it isn’t necessary to have US images all the way through the process.

Remember it states, “images of the site to be localized”, not of the procedure.